Complaint submitted

Your complaint form has been submitted.

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Agreement on dispute resolution body

You have agreed with the other party which dispute resolution body will handle your dispute.

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Dispute handled by the dispute resolution body

The dispute resolution body is handling your dispute.

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Outcome of the procedure

This is the outcome that the dispute resolution body has reached.

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Complaint submitted

You have filled in the online complaint form and submitted it to this site. The other party has received it.

You will now need to agree with the other party on the dispute resolution body that will handle your dispute.
You have 30 days to do so.
If you need help, contact your national contact point.

The complaint has been sent to the other party.
The complaint has been sent to the other party.

Agreement on dispute resolution body

You have 30 days to agree with the other party on the dispute resolution body that will handle your dispute. Once you do so, this site will automatically send the details of your dispute to that body. If you cannot agree, your complaint will not be processed further.

If you need help, contact your national contact point.

The dispute has been sent to a dispute resolution body. 
The dispute resolution body will get back to you.
The dispute has been sent to a dispute resolution body. The dispute resolution body will get back to you.

Dispute handled by the dispute resolution body

The dispute has been sent to a dispute resolution body. The dispute resolution body has three weeks to decide whether it is competent or not to deal with your dispute and inform you thereof. It may contact you for more information.

If you need help, contact your national contact point.

The dispute resolution body will have an outcome for your dispute within 90 days.
The dispute resolution body will have an outcome for your dispute within 90 days.

Outcome of the procedure

Once the procedure is over, the dispute resolution body will inform you of the outcome. This outcome varies per dispute resolution body.

If you need help, contact your national contact point.

The dispute resolution body will have an outcome for your dispute within 90 days.