L’enfance est une période cruciale et toutes les parties prenantes doivent veiller à ce que les droits fondamentaux inscrits dans la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant soient respectés pour tous les enfants du monde. Ces droits vont de la simple reconnaissance de leur existence grâce à l’enregistrement des naissances à leur éducation et leur protection.

There is a group of happy students in primary school. They are all laughing and showing hands

    Developed by UNICEF and the EU, the course helps you gain an overview of critical child rights issues, understand the obligations of relevant actors to realize international commitments on child rights and build skills for mainstreaming child rights in different sectors and phases of development cooperation programming through the use of specific tools and examples. The course is primarily for development professionals working in bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, such as: EU delegations or UN agencies. 

    Duration: 8 hours.
      This course provides the basic knowledge and skills for a meaningful inclusion of child rights principles and practices in EU Development Cooperation.
      Duration: 5 hours