Poor communities directly depend on natural resources for their livelihood and are the most vulnerable to a degraded environment, natural disasters and are the first to suffer from polluted air, water and soil. Sound natural resource use is at the core of effective strategies to strengthen resilience to climate change and reduce greenhouse emissions.
This picture shows the ground fractured by the effects of drought and climate change on a lake in Mexico

    This document is an analysis of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. It identifies processes, patterns, weaknesses, and opportunities in the NDCs of ACP countries.

      The Intra-ACP GCCA+ Programme (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States - Global Climate Change Alliance) finances technical assistance to 79 countries in the African, Caribbean, and Pacific regions. These ten stories illustrate both the nature of its work and its contribution to tackling climate change. 

      ACP 2018.

        This factsheet provides an overview of the EU’s support for sustainable land management and the concrete partnerships
        we engage in to tackle land degradation and desertification.

        Version 2016

          These guidelines define a comprehensive reference framework for integrating the environment and climate change into the different stages of the cycle of operations for EC development cooperation covering the three aid delivery approaches.

          Tools and Methods Series, Guidelines N° 4
          Version December, 2011

            This tutorial video explains how to use the Rio markers, employed in development cooperation to indicate whether a project or programme contributes to biological diversity, to combatting desertification, and to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation.

              This talk walked through the latest assessment of whether we are at risk of crossing a planetary threshold, argued for setting scientific targets for a safe operating space on Earth, to keep the Earth system in a Holocene-like inter-glacial state, and suggested the framing for planetary stewardship of a stabilized Earth for people and planet.

              Duration: 1h43min

                These guidelines provide a framework for strengthening the contribution of European Union (EU) international cooperation and development policy to sustainable development by integrating, or mainstreaming, environmental and climate change considerations into the different phases of the EU programme and project cycle.

                Tools and Methods Series, Guidelines No 6

                Version February, 2016

                Also available in French Spanish

                  This sector note provides specific guidance for actions in the energy sector into EU international cooperation and development.

                  Also available in French Spanish

                    This sector note provides specific guidance for actions in the water and sanitation sector into EU international cooperation and development. 

                    Also available in French Spanish