Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter gilt als ein Wert in Europa, sie ist aber auch ein Beweis für die Wirksamkeit von Hilfsleistungen. Es gibt Belege dafür, dass Geschlechterungleichheit und Armut eng miteinander verbunden sind. 

Gender equality and diverging views. Serious man and woman look in different directions, side view, panorama, copy space.

    This webinar intends to facilitate the understanding of religious fundamentalisms as a socio-political fact of our contemporaneity, and to support development practitioners and humanitarian workers to detect and cope with the challenges, to identify useful entry points, and to design appropriate responses.

    Duration: 90 m

      This webinar focuses on the ways in which EU development cooperation can improve gender equality and nutritional outcomes in the rural sector, being aimed at strengthening understanding amongst EU staff of the important links between gender equality and nutritional outcomes.

      Duration: 64 m

        Launch the quiz

        Learning is a first step towards gender equality – especially, learning on gender! Do you think you know it all when it comes to gender equality? We've created an interactive quiz so you can test yourself! Feel free to take it on your computer, mobile device or directly on our stand on the European Development Days (5-6 June 2018 Tour & Taxis Brussels). After answering the questions you will receive a certificate. Then all you need to do is visit stand 44 on EDDs and get your award!

          Gender Focal Persons are the key “change agents” that support colleagues to move on towards the EU's Action Plan to advance gender equality through external relations and development cooperation. This document aims at providing information about their role and the available resources to develop their roadmap.

            This webinar is destined to staff from EU Delegations active in agriculture and rural development. It focuses mainly on aspects concerning gender inequality in ARD, preparing a gender strategy, setting targets aimed at improving women’s productivity and empowerment, engaging with men in non-traditional areas and addressing negative cultural norms.

            Duration: 63 m

              The Webinar offers EU staff members dealing with agriculture, rural development and food security, at HQ and Delegation levels, an in-depth and practical understanding of what gender mainstreaming is and how it can be achieved in day-to-day work.

                This course invites you to discover the most relevant and practical knowledge, understanding and skills to mainstream gender equality in all EU external action and development cooperation.
                Duration: 3 hours

                  The objective of this webinar is to discuss about Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB). How can Gender Responsive Budgeting help advancing on the Sustainable Development Goals? A practical application of Gender Responsive Budgeting and how Gender Responsive Budgeting can be used for supporting gender equality in Budget Support and Public Financial Management reform programmes?

                    This course focuses on the principles and frameworks related to human rights and gender equality and their link to sustainable development and cooperation.

                      This webinar tackles the gender transformative approaches to development, which form an important part of the EU’s Gender Action Plan  - the GAP II.  These gender transformative approaches attempt to go beyond technical solutions to women’s empowerment and try to change the underlying discriminatory social norms that lie at the heart of gender inequality.
                      It also presents the way in which gender transformative approaches are being integrated into the rural sector, by discussing some innovative ideas that emerged recently, from a 3 day conference in Rome on gender transformative approaches.

                      Duration: 1 h

                        Gender equality, women’s empowerment and the leave no one behind approach are key to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Nevertheless, even if the commitment to mainstreaming or integrating gender analysis and perspective across all instruments and modalities is gaining prominence in the Commission, the practice is not yet as robust as intended. In many contexts gender mainstreaming is happening in the social sectors but is limited to separate components in other sectors. Same applies also to the Rights Based Approach. Then, we need to strengthen our competences, both at HQ and EUD, regarding the new coming programmes.

                        Also available in French

                          This course shows how the correct use of the OECD-DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker can improve the quality of development programmes.

                          Duration: 45 min